
Paper Key : IRJ************386
Author: Vijay B N,Sumana K R
Date Published: 04 Aug 2022
The ability to identify the fruits based on the quality in food industry is very important nowadays where every person has become health conscious. There are different types of fruits available in the market. However, to identify best quality fruits is cumbersome task. Therefore, we come up with the system where fruit is detected under natural lighting conditions. The method used is texture detection method, color detection method and shape detection. For this methodology, we use image segmentation to detect particular fruit. Fruit Detection project is implemented in python image processing toolbox. The project is implemented for both Real time and Non-Real time. The proposed method has four stages: First is Pre- Processing and second is Feature Extraction and third is Segmentation and fourth Recognition. In case of Non Real time, the first stage is used to browse the image, second stage is extraction of the features from images using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), RGB and Color Histogram. System will convert the image from RGB to grayscale image for further processing. The color histogram represents the distribution of colors in an image. Since image is captured under different illumination condition. In the third stage, the three extracted image is obtained in the form of red, green and blue. In the fourth stage, the extracted features are used as input to Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Then name of the fruit is output is obtained
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