
Paper Key : IRJ************320
Author: V.gnanambiga
Date Published: 14 Jan 2023
Abstract:To compare the antimicrobial activity of Sesbania graniflora leaves extracts by using different solvents (Aqueous, Ethanol & Petroleum ether) .The essential part of Sesbania graniflora sample was extracted by macerated for 7days, the extraction was efficiently done and the extract was collected to perform the anti-microbial activity by measuring the zone of inhibition of the bacterial culture. In this study, we concluded that the Sesbania graniflora leaves show more anti-microbial activity in Gram positive bacteria when compared to the Gram negative bacteria.The ethanolic extract shows more anti-microbial activity than aqueous and petroleum ether extracts.Introduction: A medicinal plant is any plant which, in one or more of its part contains substance that can be used for therapeutic purpose or which are the precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs.5 The Sesbania graniflora is a most commonly used plant which is also popularly called as Agati. The Sesbania graniflora is a short living plant, soft-wooded, loosely branching with a rather open crown; it can grow 8-15 meters tall. The tree bears a big white flower that is hertialy used in Bengali cuisine. White flower variety of Sesbania graniflora found to be non-toxic, the purple flower is highly toxic. The white flowers and leaves are enriched with vitamins and minerals. The leaves, flowers and young pods are edible, and Sesbania flowers are commonly used as a vegetable in Southern Asia, especially in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. Several activities has been studied on the plant Sesbania graniflora like treating the small pox and eruptive fevers. The barks, leaves, gums and flowers are considered as medicinally active. The juice from the flowers is used to treat the head ache, head congestion or stuffy nose. As a stuff, the juice is supported to clear the nasal sinus. The present study examines the phytochemical constituents and antibacterial activity of leaves of Sesbania grandiflora using different solvents such as water, ethanol and petroleum ether. Antibacterial activities of leaves of Sesbania grandiflora was analyzed through well diffusion technique. The anti-miocrobial activity was compared between different extracts from solvents such as water, ethanol and petroleum ether. The bacteria used in the culture was (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, Shigella, Vibrio) from the rain water as gram (ve) bacxteria3 and (Streptococcus salivariu, Streptococcus porphymonas ginivalis, Staphylococus, mutans and Lactobacillus) from the Saliva as gram (+ve) bacteria for comparision2. In the study also analyse the potential anti-microbial activity between the water, ethanol and petroleum ether extract of Sesbania graniflora.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS32886
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