
Paper Key : IRJ************575
Author: Abhik Roy
Date Published: 14 Jan 2023
The isolating and characterizing process of each snake venom materials are necessary for understanding the pathophysiology of the envenomation and to improve the therapeutic procedures for the patients. It may also lead to the discovery of the novel toxins. The different compositions of venom, toxicological and immunological characteristics of the common vipers (Vipera berus berus) have been discussed. The common vipers venom contains proteins and polypeptides that belong to 10-15 toxin families like L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO), hyaluronidase, 5 -nucleotidase, glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase etc. and many more. The differences in V.berus venom composition depend on age, habitat, sex and the food diet of the snakes. These variability in the venom lead to the decrease in the efficiency of the anti venom against snakebites. This review represents an overview and several proteins or toxins that have been isolated and characterized from the V.b. berus venoms and also their toxic actions and biochemical properties.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS32938
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