
Paper Key : IRJ************654
Author: Rammiya R S
Date Published: 21 Jan 2023
An organizations culture is responsible for creating the kind of environment in which the business is managed, and has a major impact on its ultimate success or failure. As culture is created and managed, the goal should be to bring together the values, vision, and mission of the organization and articulate them appropriately to all staff members. When cultivated thoroughly throughout the organization, the company culture can serve as a catalyst to help guide the behavior that employees exhibit toward each other. At the same time, it can foster more pleasant behavior toward guests and vendors, creating a positive environment that guests will want to experience over and over again.Culture is defined as a basic set of understandings that are shared by members of an organization that influence decision-making and are shared and passed on to new members of the organization.On top of the expressed values, vision, and mission, organizational culture is all about the collective beliefs, ethics, and behavior that comprises the fabric of the business. Its more about a feeling that is created than specific programs that are put into place. Its affected by the way that the organization is led and is hugely influential in the organizations success.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS33039
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