
Paper Key : IRJ************914
Author: Ishwari Rajale,Mr. Musale Yogesh Jagannath,Miss. Nagar Bhakti Suhas. , Gore Shankar Datta Mr. Gore Shankar Datta Mr. Gore Shankar Datta Mr. Gore Shankar Datta
Date Published: 09 Jan 2023
Abstract: The WHO has initiated the program of reporting all adverse drug reactions co-ordinated by the Monitoring Centre in Uppsala Sweden with oversight by an international board. This presents in the relevance functioning importance pathway and the procedure of reporting adverse drug reactions. Dermatologists the greatest opportunity in reporting various reactions the happen as they come across majority of these drug reactions prescribed by all sectors of the health system. In clustering analysis the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor- (PPAR) signalling pathway cytochrome P450 glutathione metabolism chemical carcinogenesis and related proteins increased dose-dependently in rifampicin-treated livers. this study showed molecular mechanism of rifampicin-induced liver injury by comparative toxic proteomics approachIntroduction:Concept of pharmacoviglince.Pharmacoviglicance - It is Science & activates relating to the detection, assement understanding prevention of adverse effect of any other possible drug related Problems. The ultimate of this activity is to improve the safe & rational use of medicines thereby improving patient Care & public health.Pharmacovigilance in to take In Order to market of test pharmaceutical product most counteris adverse event data received by license holders. Ultimately pharmacovigilance is conceded with identifying the hazards associated with pharmaceutical product minimizing any harm that may come to patients
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