
Paper Key : IRJ************812
Author: Aniket Gedam
Date Published: 12 Apr 2024
The purpose of this prject is to fabricate a solar water distillation system that can purify the water, which is impure by using a systematic arrangement must have low cost for manufacturing and works based on renewable energy of solar. There is less amount of water only left on earth that is safe to drink without purification after 20-25 years from today. 99% of Earth's water is in a solid state and other impure form and the remaining is in liquid form. Due to this reason, water purification is necessary. Because of this, purposes the solar still is constructed which will convert the impure water into pure water using the renewable solar energy. The incoming solar radiation from the sun is heating the water, which placed in the basin in impure form, and this water gets evaporated and condensed into pure drinkable water.
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