
Paper Key : IRJ************143
Author: Gaurav Singh,Manus Gupta
Date Published: 20 Apr 2024
Codifyk is a cross platform application which is designed to tackle the problems faced by programmers. The coding space is fragmented as there are multiple websites for the coders to use. Also, there is no dedicated space for only programmers to contact while coding at the same time. The application serves as a centralized hub for the coding community, providing a platform for users to connect, collaborate and share information and knowledge. Using modern technologies such as flutter and firebase, our application provides a user-friendly coding environment with an efficient event management system and supportive community features. Through of the major features of the application, which is chatroom, coders get a virtual space to interact and communicate with each other efficiently. This creates a sense of competition and provides a platform for users to seek and provide help to those in need. Users can also collaborate to work on projects which increases efficiency and output.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS52585
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