
Paper Key : IRJ************522
Author: Sidra Sabahat,Alok Omar
Date Published: 05 Aug 2022
Aside from humans, every other living thing has the capacity for adaptation and evolution over time, and we can undoubtedly learn from them. Approximately 8.5 million species, all of which have developed ways to survive on earth, are known to exist, according to the Board of Innovation. It's interesting to note that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed on Earth are now extinct. The startling statistic that 99.9% of species were unable to innovate in a way that would be future-proof serves as a reminder of how simple it is to fail at the harsh test of evolution. The 0.1 percent of species that are still alive must have developed effective strategies to deal with disruption, especially the primitive ones that have endured for millions or perhaps billions of years. As they say, nature finds a solution. Biomimicry is one such concept to adapt natures form, function and behaviour into objects, product, building, etc. So the research is based on the study of biomimicry examples adapted by various buildings and their envelope. It also includes the study of different types of building enveloped that can affect the parameters.
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