
Paper Key : IRJ************495
Author: Miss. Bhusari Pallavi K.,Miss. Gajbhare Dipti S.,Prof. Musale Yogesh J.,Prof. Gore Shankar D.,Prof. Miss Nagare Bhakti S.
Date Published: 01 Jan 2023
Abstract :- Pharmacovigilance is the track to select safe drug during treatments.pharmacovigilance provide information about safe and appropriate drug during drug treatment. The adverse drug reaction are main component of pharmacovigilance.Adverse drug reaction became major problem in the developing countries. By the World Health organisation pharmacovigilance is science and activity relating to the detection, assessment, understanding & Prevention of adverse effect or any other drug related problems. pharmacovigilance play very import role in healthcare system by monitoring the adverse effects of drug. This review article summerized objective, types and methods use in Pharmacovigilance with their Pharmacovigilance program of India and also study of Indomethacin,their adverce effect by Pharmacovigilance.Indomethacin is Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug use in rheumatoid arthritis ,patent ductus arteriosis,Osteoarthritis. The machanism of Indomethacin is by inhibiting synthesis of Prostaglandin. This article describe side effects , adverse effects of Indomethacine and provide instructions for the safe use of drug.
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