Paper Key : IRJ************635
Author: Madhuri Aravind Jadhav,Sanika Subhanna Metkar,Nilam Shashikant Lasanapure,Vaishnavi Sachin Arage,Mr.pravin Kumar Karve
Date Published: 03 Oct 2024
A TestMaster Insights project is a Test management Application Reletaed to Mathmathics.TestMaster Insights is a cutting-edge test management application designed specifically for mathematics educators and students. Our platform streamlines the process of creating, administering, and grading mathematical assessments, making it easier to evaluate student understanding and identify areas for improvement.In this Test Management Application, OMR sheet based tests can be processed by uploading OMR scan of student applicants answer sheet. The system will extract student seat number and answers marked in the OMR. All this will be done by Test Engine, a software component in Mathematic Scholar Project. Extracted data will be used to creategenerate results and declare results and declare merit list as well as
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